Saturday 24 May 2014

Mo Abudu, Ladi Balogun, Makhatar Diop, Adebola Williams, others speak at the 2014 NYU Africa Economic Forum (PHOTOS)

Chief Executive Officer of EbonyLife TV, Mo Abudu, was a speaker at New York University’s Annual Economic Forum (AEF) on April 26, 2014. The speakers and attendees dialogued on the theme: “The African Gold Rush: Realities of Africa’s Economic Growth and Potential”. The aim of this year’s forum is to present a balanced depiction of the current economic state in many African countries, while highlighting promising transformation across Africa.
Abudu shared on “How we did it” – building a proudly African media company to tell a different story to the world.  “Africans must tell their own story, we are best placed to tell our own story. We need to ensure African brands become global brands,” she said on Saturday.
Discussions included the challenges that lay ahead of Africa’s path to realizing its full potential as the world’s final investment frontier. The event featured a series of panels covering topics ranging from Technology and Entrepreneurship, to Entertainment and Private Capital, amongst others.  There was also a Leadership Fireside Chat and a “Five-Star Speaker’s Series”. Speakers that delivered keynotes were Ladi Balogun, CEO and Managing Director of First City Monument Bank and Makhatar Diop, World Bank’s Vice President for Africa.
Other speakers were Adebola Williams, Founding Partner of Red Media Africa, Georg Kell, the Executive Director at United Nations Global Compact; Charles Kie, Group Head at EcoBank; Daniel Monehin; Eric Kinoti, CEO of Shades Systems East Africa Limited; Amini Kajunju, President of the Africa America Institute, Kunle Olaifa, head of HR at Samsung West Africa; Chika Nwobi, Managing Partner at L4Lab, Eric-Vincent Guichard, chairman and CEO of GRAVITAS Capital Advisors, amongst others.

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Keyword- Ladi Balogun

Friday 23 May 2014

Ladi Balogun, CEO, First City Monument Bank

Interview transcript: Ladi Balogun, CEO, First City Monument Bank

Ladi Balogun, CEO of First City Monument Bank, talks about banking in Nigeria, competition with foreign banks, and the forex business.

Banking in Nigeria
Emmanuel Daniel (ED): How is banking in Nigeria like, and could you please gives us some background on your bank and where it stands in the hierarchy of the banking system in Nigeria.
Ladi Balogun (LB): The Nigerian banking industry is very dynamic. We currently have 25 commercial banks operating in Nigeria, an industry size of about 20 trillion Naira ($134 billion), which would be at an exchange rate of 160 to 1. First City Monument Bank (FCMB) have about 4.7% market share, close to 5%, and are the eighth largest bank in Nigeria. We started as an investment bank in 1983, known then as a merchant bank focused on corporate finance, treasury activities and trade finance, wholesale funding.
My father founded the bank, he’s now retired - he was an ex-investment banker who helped the Nigerian government’s preeminent development bank set up a joint venture investment bank with various international partners,and thereafter set up his own stock broking business City Securities Limited (CSL).
CSL was set up in 1977 and handled most of the listings of multinationals onto the Nigerian stock exchange when they started listing here between 1978 and 1982. It was from the success of that listings and brokerage business that we then set up the merchant bank. Merchant banking then was an easier business to get into because you didn’t need as much capital and was much more closely related to the securities business that we had been doing. CSL is still in existence today in Nigeria and is the largest domestic stock broker in the country and a subsidiary of our holding company FCMB Group. 
We ran with the merchant banking model from 1983 until 2001 after which we changed into what we call a universal bank in 2001. We ran as a universal bank from 2001 until 2012 when we created a group structure where we have a holding company, which is FCMB group PLC at the top, which is listed in Nigeria. Then FCMB the bank, which is a commercial and retail bank, a subsidiary of the group, plus we have CSL, which is a stock broking business, another subsidiary.
ED: So the evolution of your family’s business mirrored the evolution of financial services in Nigeria.
LB:  Absolutely.
ED: From the days of the securities industry and getting the capital market up and running, Nigeria today is much more broad spectrum financial services infrastructures in place, right?
LB:  Yes.
ED: In terms of banking, how has that evolved? I guess moving from universal banking to a group structure is something that you needed to do to rationalize what you had but you also had a number of mergers in order to grow, correct? So there was an inorganic portion of growth. When did that start?
LB:  That started in 2005. It came about because in 2004, we had a very activist regulator in Nigeria, always trying to transform the industry structure for the better of the economy. In 2004, the then Central Bank Governor brought about a new policy, which required every bank, whether they be merchant bank or commercial bank, to have a minimum capital base of what was then 25 billion Naira ($155 million). We were then sitting on a capital base of about two billion Naira ($12.4 million) so clearly, there was a wide gap between where we were and what was required.
So we did a private placement amongst most of the existing shareholders followed by a public offer. We were able to get ourselves about 70% of the way required to meet minimum capital requirement by doing a private placement followed a few months later by an initial public offer. To cover the rest of the gap, we were required to make some acquisitions. Now, fortuitously, those acquisitions also enabled us to improve our distribution for what was then a commercial bank.
We were not into retail at the time, and focused largely on corporate and larger SMEs so we acquired four fairly small banks to give us regional coverage in each of the key regions. That brought in an additional five billion Naira ($62 million) or so of capital.
ED: What was the dynamics of M&A at that time in Nigeria? Who was giving in and who was growing? Who were the winners and who were the losers?
LB:  First of all, the organizations that had a clear vision where they wanted to get to were the ones who choose whom to acquire it, so it wasn’t necessarily those who had the largest capital base. I think also, those who had some kind of corporate finance or investment banking understanding, so they knew how to raise money, were also at an advantage. Those with the corporate finance angle understood the dynamics of M&A and, therefore, knew who to target, who to go into negotiations with because at the time  there were 89 banks in Nigeria, and a number of negotiations broke down.
We deliberately chose institutions that did not see themselves as being independent at the end of the day, and we presented ourselves as being a benign acquirer that was willing to give every employee a fair chance. That really helped a number of organizations and often, given the dynamics with M&A in Nigeria, management is as important as the shareholder.
If the people in the organization feel that they’re going to get a bad deal, often times, they would be able to sabotage the deal going ahead, which is quite different in the west where you would find that typically shareholders pretty much dictate what happens.
Unions are not very strong. Any sort of restructuring or rationalization that we had to do was done, and it was done in a fair manner. The regulator also ensured that employees were treated fairly, but that led to a significant rationalization in the industry only in the short term because thereafter, with all the banks having much more capital than they needed, there was massive expansion of the banking industry, significant roll out of branches by most banks. With that level of capital, you needed to go into retail. We concluded that consolidation exercise in 2005.
We had just 25 branches. If you fast forward to 2013, we had moved to about 270 branches.
ED: What were the most important challenges in the process? Did you just take on every employee that came with it, or was there rationalization? How many employees do you have now?
LB:  Today, we have 3,000 full time employees, and about another 2,000 sales agents who help in acquiring accounts and also distributing personal loans. I was very much involved at the time we were doing the capital raising and the acquisitions. I was then head of strategy and business development. I was also the one who had sort of championed the idea of going more into the retail business, even before the consolidation thing came along. It was new to us at the time.
The first set of acquisitions that we did, the first four banks that we acquired, we were fortunate that they were small. In three of the four banks we had very few people issues. One of the banks, we had significant people issues because it was a state-owned bank. There was really no performance culture there at all so they could not understand why we would have to let people go. The approach that we took was very much performance driven. We were in growth mode. We moved most of the staff into sales.
Those that could perform well in sales were retained. Those who were not able to perform were let go. But in most instances we also set up entrepreneurship programs where we gave them seed money to be able to set up small businesses if they chose or, alternatively, a reasonable severance package.
ED: How many people took on the severance package?
LB:  First of all, it was voluntary because we made it quite generous, and we factored that into the cost of the acquisitions. Most people took it voluntarily because they didn’t see much career upside. I would say probably about 40% of the acquired banks’ staff ended up taking up those packages. At that time, each of the banks had an average of about 200 to 250 employees.
If you’re looking at give or take 1,000 employees, maybe about 400 people.
ED: What were you buying these banks at, price to book?
LB:  We paid a slight premium to book, but not more than about 20%. About 1.2 times book. The reason we had to pay a premium to book at that time was that if we hadn’t have bought those institutions, we would have had to go and raise additional equity, which would have created probably much more aggressive dilution of the existing shareholders to have sufficient equity to meet the minimum capital requirement.
ED: Was that a golden period for acquisitions that doesn’t exist today?
LB:  Golden period in the sense that there were many transactions happening. But in terms of the size of the transactions, as well as the quality of the transactions, I would say that there was still a lot of room for improvement. We saw that because there was a second round of consolidation that started around 2010 in the wake of the financial crisis.
ED: That was when the regulator closed a number of banks.
LB:  Exactly. They intervened. They actually didn’t close any bank, but they intervened and insisted that the management and the boards resign. They set up an asset management company that, in effect, acquired the toxic assets of those banks, basically recapitalizing the banks or selling the ones that couldn’t be recapitalized.
ED: How would you describe Nigeria’s banking industry today in terms of margins, in terms of the deposit business, the competition in deposit business, and the creation of credit, where is it going, and what phase is it in?
LB:  It’s very competitive, but the competition tends to be focused more on the wholesale side. There is still quite a bit of opportunity on the retail side. You have penetration of just about 20 million bank accounts in a population of 170 million people. With very little effort, you can grow your customer base fairly quickly in the retail space. The challenge you have is profitability of those accounts because, obviously, poverty is still a big issue in a country like Nigeria. A bank like us acquires about 50,000 customers every month. So give or take that’s close to about 600,000 accounts in a year. Under normal conditions the margins are fairly healthy. Net interest margins on average in the industry are between six to seven percent. However, it has come under a little bit of pressure because  the monetary authorities currently have a very tight policy where they’re taking quite a lot of liquidity out of the system but asking banks to put a significant chunk of their deposits into non-interest bearing central bank reserves. Currently, you’re seeing about 27% of bank deposits in non-interest bearing reserves, which puts some pressure on the margins.
Last year, I would say industry average margins were about 7.5%, but may come down to about 5.5% this year. Still, it’s fairly profitable. I think an industry average return on equity is about 15%. Industry average cost to income ratio is in the very early 60’s - not fantastic.

Competition with foreign banks

ED: Do well capitalized foreign banks have a better result if they came in with technology and –
LB:  No, I think the foreign banks used to be more successful on the wholesale side because most multinationals would naturally deal with them. But foreign banks throughout Africa, with the exception of maybe Standard Bank, have found it very, difficult to build national franchises, which ultimately is where you need to be if you want to gather local deposits. So most foreign banks typically would have much of their borrowings in foreign currency to companies that had foreign currency revenues. So we’re export oriented, typically, the oil industry in the case of Nigeria.
In terms of size, they’re much smaller. The technology that you talk about gives you much greater advantage in the retail business than in the corporate business. Because none of the foreign banks are that strong in the retail business, it hasn’t conferred any real advantage. In addition to that, the dynamics of the Nigerian banking scene, which is probably similar in some respects to Kenya, Ghana, and some of the more developed African markets, differ very much from what you find in the West.
There’s a much bigger push around mobile banking and agency banking where you have third party agents helping you perform very basic transactions, money transfer, cash payments in and cash withdrawals, particularly in rural areas or areas where it would not be profitable to set up a branch, and similarly with mobile banking. Today, you pretty much have equal access to the vendors of these technologies in Nigeria and other African countries as you do in the West.
ED: What about in trade finance, transaction banking?
LB:  No.
ED: How are the small businesses in Nigeria growing, given the fact that you had a strong IPO business? This onboarding of small business to become middle market and corporate, how is that evolving in Nigeria?
LB:  It’s only a very small percentage of SME’s that will migrate to become corporates. So while that is the theory that you would help these companies grow to that state, we found that you really need to create a very distinct SME business. Transaction banking is equally relevant for us in the corporate space as well as in the SME space, although we find the needs are very different in some respects. Corporates like to do everything online. If they’re multinational they tend to need systems that will somehow integrate with their global treasuries, therefore, it’s very much about online corporate banking.
With the SME’s, the biggest challenge they have is cash collection, so you’ve got to give them solutions to be able to collect their cash and bank their cash. A lot of the SME’s are quite happy using mobile banking rather than internet banking. So we offer business accounts that, even though they’re business accounts, key offices can have mobile access to them. The simple reason is that most SME’s in a market like Nigeria would be owner managed businesses. People may, for example, need to have access to their accounts when they’re in China buying supplies.
Therefore, having a mobile banking platform - rather than an internet banking one that they’d have to open up their laptop for - they find that much more convenient. Trade finance is certainly very big in Nigeria. Currently, we’re about the fifth largest bank in terms of trade finance in the market. That largely comes from the corporate sector. In fairness, I would say that probably about 40% of our trade finance business is in oil, and the rest is in largely imports of consumer goods and industrial raw materials.

The foreign exchange business

ED: So how does a bank like yours acquire foreign exchange? Is that a strong part of your business, and how do you play that?
LB:  It’s a very important part of our business. We rely very much on flow business of foreign exchange rather than position taking in foreign exchange. The reason that we don’t take larger positions in foreign exchange is in Nigeria, the maximum open position limit that you can carry is one percent of your shareholders’ funds. So you can’t take big positions. You’ve got to square your books at the end of every day so you have to be strong on the export side. Now, the key sources of foreign exchange in Nigeria are inward remittances and crude oil exports.
On the corporate side, we are a very strong financier of most of the oil producers in the country. Unlike a number of other African countries, there’s an increasing number of indigenous oil producing companies that have been buying assets in marginal fields from the traditional international oil companies.
ED: So it’s becoming more diverse and in itself a creator of small businesses.
LB:  Yes, it is. The indigenous players would be very much corporate at this stage. They have diversified shareholding because if you need $500 million or one billion to buy a producing asset from a Shell or a Chevron, you pretty much need to be a corporate to be able to access that level of capital. Gradually, you’re beginning to see oil service companies come through as well that are really in the SME space, but they haven’t matured so much. On the FX side, if you can capture a good chunk of remittances as well as export dollars from oil companies that you may work with, you would tend to have fairly healthy FX flows.
You can always buy from the Central Bank - they regularly sell to any bank that needs it, or any authorized dealer.
ED: What’s the central bank’s bias in terms of commercial banks? Did you wish that you had a good trading book? Are you thinking of building an active treasury side of your business, and is the central bank supportive of moving in that direction?
LB:  Because we were a merchant bank, we were very active in the treasury space. In fact, in our merchant banking days, FX trading was where we made most of our income because the lending business, the margins were razor thin with your high cost of funds that are associated with wholesale banks typically. The regulator, I would say, is not very supportive of markets business. They respect the markets. They see them as a means of creating efficiency. But they don’t encourage excessive position taking.
Therefore typically, most banks, while they would make income from foreign exchange trading and so on, if you look at – in our case, I think about 40% of our net revenues are noninterest net revenues. Of that 40%, I would say another 60% would be fees and commissions. So 40% would really be trading income. In effect, as of today, we’re probably making around 15% of our net revenues in trading income.
ED: What is the pressure being put on you by regulator for capital, and what do you need to do on your capital front to make sure that you continue to scale? Is there kind of a diversification to raise capital through a bond issue?
LB:  We are very well capitalized. We have a Tier-1 capital adequacy ratio of 19%. We have no Tier 2 capital for the moment because we don’t need it as of now, so we’re not under any pressure on the capital side. The regulators themselves are very focused on risk based supervision and want to ensure that the banks are adequately capitalized, with regular stress testing of balances. It’s important, especially in an industry where you will see non performing loan ratios typically hover around five or six percent. It’s important that the banks do stay fairly well capitalized.
For us, the focus right now is on leveraging the balances some more because we do quite a lot of foreign currency lending.
ED: What’s your loan to deposit ratio?
LB:  Our loan to deposit ratio is in the early 60’s right now and we’re going to leverage that further. But increasingly we’re looking at more of our corporate lending tending to be foreign currency nowadays because there’s a big sort of export push. So we’re active in the syndicated loan market where we raise money from international banks but lend to Nigeria. It tends to be cheaper than the euro bond market. For us that would be a last resort to access euro bonds. We do have international ratings - we’re one notch down from the sovereign.
We will continue to focus on syndicated loan markets before because it tends to be significantly less expensive than the euro bond market, unless you time it right. There are certain times in the year where the euro bond market may be cheaper than it is now.
ED: Is this the point at which you make yourself attractive so that when it comes to capital raising, your story will be out there –
LB:  You mean equity capital raising?
ED: Yes.
LB:  We’re fairly well known to a lot of the international investors who focus in Africa. Typically, about 50% of our shareholder base is currently international portfolio investors. Our brokerage business is one of the leading conduits of foreign portfolio investment into Nigeria. They also know us through our brokerage business and, from time to time, make inquiries about the stock performance of the bank and the underlying fundamentals.
You are right that it’s important we continue to work on our profile internationally because the Nigerian banking industry will continue to grow at not less than about 20% or 25% year-on-year, which is what we have been seeing. Total assets, not risk assets really fueled more by liability growth. As the industry scales up, and as the economy continues to grow now being the largest economy in Africa, certainly, I see the banks continuing to need to grow their assets naturally. Eventually, we’ll need more capital.
ED: What is the composition of your lending assets?
LB:  We have defined retail as purely lending to individuals. In the short timeframe that we’ve been in retail banking our entry strategy was really to focus on the asset side and acquire customers that way. So, about 50% to 60% of our customer acquisitions are because of an asset proposition. That’s enabled us to become very quickly the largest consumer lender in Nigeria. We currently distribute about 25,000 personal loans every month, with consumer lending representing about 20% of our entire loan book. SME lending represents about another 20%. The balance is corporate and government.
Relative to the rest of the Nigerian banking industry, we probably have an average between five to ten percent of their book being consumed. We are a very significant player.
I do expect though, just the last point on that that the rate of growth that we’re seeing on the personal loan book is about 35% to 40% year-on-year, so we expect pretty quickly we will probably get to about 40% of our loan book being personal lending.
ED: Given that 2010 was when a lot of Nigerian banks got into trouble because of corporate lending more than anything else, how did you stay out of that and what is your NPL ratio now?
LB:  We certainly were not immune to the issues, but the problems of lending in the Nigerian banking industry really came from three sectors. There was a lot of margin lending that was happening because the stock market had experienced prior to the boom in margin lending about four or five years of 30% or 40% year-on-year growth in the index. Everyone just felt the only way was up for the stock market. So every bank ended up going heavily into margin lending. Again, because we had an associate company who was a leading stock broker, we had quite a lot of analysis on all the stocks in the market.
We were highly disciplined on margin lending because we understood it through our brokerage business, and had strict limits in place. The other set to where you saw a bit of a high level of NPL’s at the time of the crisis was real estate lending, mostly to developers. Again, we were disciplined and weren’t too hard hit by that. The third area was oil importers, not exporters, many of whom were getting trade finance to bring in petroleum products, refined petroleum products, and not hedging those.
So when the markets crashed, oil prices crashed, they suddenly found that the price of their inventory was way above where the market was. There was also devaluation in the currency, and a lot of them were borrowing in foreign currency at the time for their trade finance, even though it was short term borrowing. We were quite hard hit on the oil trading side but certainly nothing that threatened our capital base in any way. It affected our profits for a couple of years but not the capital in any way.
Nigeria really took the bull by the horns. We set up an asset management company that bought the toxic assets off the books of the banks. 

Thursday 15 May 2014

Mo Abudu, Ladi Balogun, Adebola Williams and others speak at the 2014 NYU Africa Economic Forum

Mo Abudu was a speaker at New York University’s Annual Economic Forum AEF) on April 26, 2014. The speakers and attendees dialogued on the

theme: “The African Gold Rush: Realities of Africa’s Economic Growth and Potential”. The aim of this year’s forum is to present a balanced depiction of the current economic state in many African countries, while highlighting promising transformation across Africa.

Discussions included the challenges that lay ahead of Africa’s path to realizing its full potential as the world’s final investment frontier. The event featured a series of panels covering topics ranging from Technology and Entrepreneurship, to Entertainment and Private Capital, amongst others.  There was also a Leadership Fireside Chat and a “Five-Star Speaker’s Series”. Speakers that delivered keynotes were Ladi Balogun, CEO and Managing Director of First City Monument Bank and Makhatar Diop, World Bank’s Vice President for Africa.

Other speakers were Adebola Williams, Founding Partner of Red Media Africa, Georg Kell, the Executive Director at United Nations Global Compact; Charles Kie, Group Head at EcoBank; Daniel Monehin; Eric Kinoti, CEO of Shades Systems East Africa Limited; Amini Kajunju, President of the Africa America Institute, Kunle Olaifa, head of HR at Samsung West Africa; Chika Nwobi, Managing Partner at L4Lab, Eric-Vincent Guichard, chairman and CEO of GRAVITAS Capital Advisors, amongst others.
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Keyword- Ladi Balogun